Trilogy of Terror is an anthology of three separate tales of horror directed by Dan Curtis (Dark Shadows, The Night Stalker). The film is based on stories written by Richard Matheson ( I am Legend, The Twilight Zone) and William F. Nolan (Logan’s Run, Burnt Offerings).
While it is referred to as a cult classic, my fiancee introduced it to
me and I had never seen it despite being a scary movie buff. If you are
one too, I would strongly recommend this film which has also been referred to as Tales of Terror and Terror of the Doll.
Karen Black plays the protagonist in four very different roles. She has also played in House of 1,000 Corpses, Easy Rider and Burnt Offerings. I will be reviewing Burnt Offerings next, another good scare. Karen Black is compelling and believable in all of the roles In Trilogy of Terror.
In “Julie”, Karen Black pays a shy and reclusive teacher who is seduced by Chad (Robert Burns), one of her students. It all begins with Chad confiding to his friend “I wonder what she looks like under all of those clothes.” Chad proceeds to pursue Julie and she ultimately agrees to go on a date with him to a drive-in movie. Chad drugs Julie’s drink when they are together and then blackmails her with revealing and compromising photos. But things are not as they appear to be. Watch and enjoy.
In “Millicent and Therese”, Karen Black plays the roles of twin sisters. Millicent is puritanical and stern while Therese is sexually open and wild. Millicent journals and according to her Therese was cavorting with young men while their father was nearly laying in his casket. She also informs us that her parents never recognized the darkness and malevolence in Therese. Millicent, convinced of her sister’s malevolence, puts a curse on her sister and the outcome could be considered somewhat expected by viewers. If you were a Dark Shadows fan, John Karlan who plays the role of Willie Loomis in Dark Shadows has a cameo in this episode as Therese’s boyfriend.
In Amelia, Karen Black purchases a Zuni fetish doll for her boyfriend’s birthday and brings it home in preparation for their date that night. The doll has a menacing appearance including razor sharp teeth but Amelia still knows her anthropologist boyfriend will love the doll. Amelia’s overbearing mother guilt ips her into spending the evening with her instead. As Amelia gets ready for the evening, the doll takes on a life of it’s own and attacks her. The entire segment consists of the battle between Amelia and the demonic, sinister doll and what follows.
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